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Since 1994
Chocolate is one of the world’s favorite foods, but not all chocolate is the same.
A Bit of Chocolate Beer History Chocolate and beer have a long association dating back 3,000 years.
Humans have been feasting on chocolate since the time of the Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica.
There’s no denying it . . . our appetite for chocolate is often accurately described as “insatiable.
All types of chocolate are derived from cocoa or cacao, and most varieties can be identified based on the amount of cocoa used in the formula.
History of chocolate Order-ID: 9358441 The History of Chocolate The history of chocolate is a long one. In the past, it has been used as a currency as well as an aphrodisiac.
Valentine’s Day is the number one time of year for chocolate purchases in the United States.
Hard to imagine life without peanut butter.