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Since 1994
Cuban cigars are widely accepted as the pinnacle of quality when it comes to cigars.
DON’T JUDGE A CIGAR BY ITS COVER! Each cigar offers a unique taste. And while the wrapper contributes, it does not really determine the flavor.
The cigar of your dreams should have all three of these major character traits.
A flawless wrapper leaf is key to creating the ideal “public face” for every cigar.
Some fine cigars (such as our Ortega Serie ‘D’ Maduro this month) sport an unusual square, not round shape.
Cigar rollers in Cuba in the 19th century were well-versed in the classics, because many factories employed cigar factory readers.
A cigar is lit by drawing the heat of a flame through the body of the tobacco. Unavoidably, along with the flame are drawn the not-so-great by-produts of that fire.
It’s strictly a matter of preference, but the most popular beverages to pair with cigars are cognac and brandy.
If you smoke a long cigar, a telescoping case is in order.
Cigars having relatively straight sides are called Parejos. Any cigar that deviates from that form is known as a Figurado, which encompasses every out-of-the-ordinary-shaped cigar produced.