The phrase “A chicken in every pot” was a familiar phrase, supposedly uttered by Thomas Jefferson at the time of the American Revolution. If the truth were known, another quote could be attributed to him during that same time frame — “Chocolate in every home!”
While Americans were boycotting tea during the American Revolution, they were looking elsewhere for a new pleasure to replace their love of tea. They found it in hot chocolate.
Thomas Jefferson, a noted connoisseur of both food and drink, wrote, “The superiority of chocolate, both for health and nourishment, will soon give it preference over tea and coffee in America.” It seems that most Americans were in full agreement.
A publication from New Jersey in 1775 stated that tea, coffee and chocolate were universal articles in every farmer’s home, and even among the poor. In Pennsylvania at that time, the country gentleman and his family enjoyed breakfasts of bread, sweet butter and chocolate – an elegant morning spread that many Englishmen would envy.
The abundance and the benefits of chocolate continued to be praised during the early years of the Republic. A chocolate manufacturer from Baltimore proudly announced in 1813 that he had an assortment of chocolate readily on hand — he referred to it as “this most useful article,” as our ancestors drank it for both pleasure and sustenance.
President Jefferson, for the rest of his years, touted the nourishing benefits of drinking chocolate instead of tea and coffee.
Now that summer’s here, we’ll be looking for another chocolate avenue to explore. I vote for chocolate ice cream! There are no reliable records of who invented the first chocolate ice cream, but it’s a fact that the Chinese originated frozen desserts, passing them on to the Romans via Arabia and India.
Emperor Nero’s favorite dessert was snow mixed with fruit and honey. (Guess he hadn’t heard about chocolate!) In winter, mountain ice and snow were buried underground, remaining frozen to be enjoyed in the hot months.
America’s passion for ice cream goes back as far as the father of our country, George Washington, who allegedly spent $200 in the summer of 1790 on the frozen dessert, serving it at state dinners. President Thomas Jefferson actually purchased what they called a “cream machine” in Paris, which enabled his White House staff to make their own ice cream to serve the President, his family and guests. Rumor has it that chocolate was the flavor in favor in this, the dawn of ice cream in our country.
This Month’s Heavenly Selection: “TROPICAL FLAVORS”
Coconut Bars w/Almonds
MILK CHOCOLATE WITH Oaxaca Vanilla Middle