enjoy stirring moments throughout your day with these two different coffees from peru and guatemala.
Clubs of America | Dec 06, 2014
A group of 50 small-scale coffee farmers from Peru’s Chanchamayo region came together in 1966 to form the Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera La Florida (CAC La Florida) in order to bypass local intermediaries. Their efforts have brought much needed education, infrastructure, credit and environmental restoration to this remote corner of the Peruvian jungle.
Since its inception in 1966, the organization has grown to include 1,200 members at its peak. These benefits emphasize the socio-economic development of its members and the protection of the environment. Their education programs provide training for members, workshops on coffee production and management sessions for community youth. This includes access to new libraries, school gardens and uniforms. CAC La Florida believes their children are the future of the cooperative and must therefore provide support in educating strong leaders capable of management roles. In 2010, CAC La Florida began to develop social performance indicators on which to evaluate their existing programs and develop new ones tailored to the needs of members and the community.
CAC La Florida’s commitment to environmental protection has led the cooperative to educate farmers on how to protect the soil from erosion, retainmoisture and restore its fertility. Members believe it is vital to support the ecosystem as it is home to many different species of insects, birds and animals. For more than thirteen years, CAC La Florida has been committed to providing high quality, organic coffee to buyers and continues to strive for improvements in environmental protection, the quality of life of community members, and the quality of their product.
This selection offers a full bodied, creamy coffee experience with floral aromas, and sweet, spicy, floral flavors with medium acidity. Each cup without fail will bring you well-balanced complexity.
The Guatemalan SHB EP Laurel coffee is produced in the regions of Santa Rosa in the South Central region of Guatemala, and in Huehuetenango in the Northwest of the country. Both regions are known for producing exceptionally great coffee.
While the coffee grown in the Santa Rosa region boasts a balanced cup with chocolate notes, the coffee grown in the region of Huehuetenango is known for its bright acidity, floral notes and winey nuances. This combination makes for a floral, sweet cup that has a round, full body with bright acidity and great chocolate and nutty notes.
The Laurel only comes from coffee farms that are situated at a minimum of 1,200 meters above sea level. Because of the consistency of the SHB, the same high quality found in this coffee can be expected year after year.
What can you expect when you brew your first pot? Floral, sweet chocolate nuances; wine-like, with soft, nutty notes. Look for complexity, with hints of fruit in the aftertaste. You’ll appreciate its full body and crisp acidity.
SHB stands for Strictly Hard Bean