PROVIDES DENTAL ARMOR: Red wine has long been known to protect against heart disease. Now we know it also fights cavities! It successfully eliminates the bacteria that causes tooth decay. The wine clings to our teeth, giving the antioxidants it contains adequate time to destroy the germs. The lab study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry also notes that alcohol content is irrelevant.
ARRESTS INSULIN SPIKES: To slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream and effectively stifle insulin spikes, sip red wine with dinner. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst have found that wine’s polyphenols squelch the enzyme that triggers the absorption of glucose in the small intestines.
HALTS FAT: Studying people who drank red wine with their meals, researchers at Germany’s University of Ulm noted that resveratrol, an antioxidant in grape skins, prevented fat storage in existing fat cells. It was shown to provide key protection against obesity-related disorders such as diabetes and blocked arteries.
NATURALLY HEALS DAMAGE: Antioxidants found in wine are a part of Mother Nature’s defense system. For optimum results, try this 2-Step program.
Step 1) TO HEAL DAMAGED SKIN: Soak for twenty minutes in a warm tub to which you’ve added 20 drops jasmine essential oil, 1/4 cup grape seed oil, 1 cup Epsom or sea salt, and 1/2 bottle of red wine.
Step 2) TO HEAL ALL OTHER TYPES OF DAMAGE, BOTH REAL AND IMAGINED: Slowly sip the remaining 1/2 bottle of wine.
Works best with a few lit candles. Soft music in the background is a plus. Works well with the company of a good book, and in the absence of a cell phone.
IS A BENEFICIAL (AND TASTY!) MARINADE: Portugal’s University of Porto has reported success in a study using red wine as a meat marinade. The fact that it proved to be a versatile ingredient to many recipes was inconsequential. The big news was the research showed that beef marinated for two hours in red wine had an incredible 88 percent fewer carcinogens after grilling than unmarinated beef.