This month’s special bouquet consists of SIX STEMS OF BEAUTIFUL LILIES of three different colors from the Asiatic and LA hybrid groups. They were grown especially for you on the moist slopes of the volcanic mountains of Costa Rica.
Lilies are from the genus Lilium, herbaceous plants that are grown from bulbs. Most are from the temperate northern hemisphere. The Oriental Hybrid has been cultivated longer than most plants, and dates back more than 3,000 years, as noted in ancient writings. Most are offspring of the lily species originally grown in Japan and Korea.
Lilies are among the largest flowers, with stems that can reach 6 feet in height. They are known for their exotic fragrances and have been used to make perfume throughout history. The essence of the Lily is also widely utilized in cosmetics and facial creams.
As with many things grounded in Asia, the Lily has many meanings. While very simple and stunning, the lily has become the universal symbol of beauty.
All lilies have an air of wealth and decadence about them, and are commonly presented as congratulatory gifts for those who have recently been promoted, or who have landed their “dream job”. They are also prominently used in weddings as they are symbols of purity and innocent beauty.
The L.A. Hybrids are crosses of the Asiatic Lily and the Longiflorum Lily, hence the name “L.A.” The crosses exhibit the beauty and form of the Asiatic Lily and the longer shelf life of the Longiflorum cultivars. Both types exhibit a very faint and soft scent, reminding you of their presence.
Please Clip Those Anthers!
All lilies have large anthers in their centers that are covered with a dusty reddish-gold pollen that can stick on and stain clothing, tablecloths and upholstery. We recommend you remove them by clipping with scissors. (Clipping will NOT affect the longevity of the blooms.) If you choose not to clip them and residue creats a problem, let the pollen “dry,” then brush off with a soft dry brush or tissue, or dab with sticky tape. Do not brush with your hand, as the oils will set the stain. Do not use water or moist cloths. Pretreat affected fabrics with an enzymatic detergent.
1) Cut the stems 1/2″ on an angle under water, and remove lower foliage that may fall below the water line. Use a very sharp knife to prevent stem damage.
2) Be certain to choose a clean vase. Fill it with room temperature fresh water, and add the plant food included in this shipment.
3) IMPORTANT: To avoid stains, clip off the pollen-bearing anthers on each flower before placing the lilies in your arrangement.
4) Rinse and refill the vase with cool fresh water, and re-cut the stems every several days. To prolong freshness, display out of direct sunlight, and away from drafts and fruit. For longevity, remove all damaged or dying stems.
Lilies are striking form flowers with strong lines, so even a few stems in a vase make a dramatic statement. Their looks range from country to English garden to avant garde.
Because of the bulk of the blooms, they may need a little encouragement to hold their heads up. Give them the support they need by tying a stick or cane to the stems, or by using floral wire. (Floral tape can be used to cover the wire, or to secure the flowers to the stick, cane or stem.) You have your particular sense of style — now you have the perfect flower to work with from The Flower Gift Club!