Those really familiar with cigars can identify the country of origin of a given cigar just by its aroma, appearance and the way it smokes. Can you?
The key to their ability is that the climate and the different soil composition of each country gives that country’s cigars a sort of “accent.”
The majority of premiums (completely handmade, and the most popular-selling cigars worldwide) come from either Honduras or the Dominican Republic. Dominicans are considered to be the mildest of all smokes; Hondurans are a bit spicier and more full bodied; and cigars from Nicaragua have the reputation for offering a sweeter personality than cigars from other nations.
I don’t know if you’ve picked up on the pattern yet, but maybe you have noticed that most of the cigars offered from your favorite Cigar of the Month Club come from just a handful of countries. That’s no accident! Most of the world’s best smokes come from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and Honduras — our treasured three — but we also offer the best from other countries as they prove their worthiness.
This month selections (and their components) come from the “Big Three” countries. In a “blind test,” could you identify the country of origin by the characteristics as you enjoy each smoke?
Featured Countries of Origin from your Favorite Cigar of the Month Club: NICARAGUA, HONDURAS & THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
1) MACANUDO INSPIRADO BLACK ROBUSTO – Nationality: Dominican Appearance: MEDIUM-FULL bodied, 5.0; 50 ring; In a dark, oily Habano Connecticut wrapper
Personality: A special smoke that will remind you why Macanudo is a go-to brand, this cigar presents you with warm toasty flavors of coffee, cocoa and cedar. She’s the perfect complement to a cup of coffee or a glass of bourbon.
2) ALEC BRADLEY BLACK MARKET VANDAL PERFECTO – Nationality: Honduran Appearance: FULL bodied, 5.8; 60 ring; Well decked out in a hearty Nicaraguan wrapper leaf
Personality: This sturdy-built lady culminates in a long, delicious, lingering finish after offering you tremendous notes of spice and pepper that will explode on your palate. This four-country blend of long-fillers is yet another fantastic offering from Bradley.
3) CUBAN CLASSIC CHURCHILL – Nationality: Nicaraguan Appearance: MEDIUM bodied, 7.0; 50 ring; Exquisite bundled in an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper
Personality: Tall and lean, this one promises to entertain you with nuances of earth, cedar, spice, leather and pepper, setting the table for an affordable adventure. Loaded with all the flavor you’d expect from a Nicaraguan premium!
Nationality: Nicaraguan Appearance: MEDIUM-FULL bodied, 6.0; 54 ring; Snuggled in a classy Ecuadorian Habano wrapper
Personality: Hailing from the ultra-boutique TACASA factory, this versatile lady brings you an array of sweet, creamy notes containing leather, nuts and a dash of pepper, cloaked inside a Peruvian binder. A successful smoke, no doubt about it!
5) PADILLA SINGLE BATCH PERFECTO – Nationality: Honduran Appearance: MEDIUM bodied, 4.5; 60 ring; Sports a seamless, rich Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper
Personality: She’s short, but not too big around, with a bouquet of leather and earth that’s too good to be true. The five-country mix of long fillers blend to bring you notes of pepper, leather, coffee and earth. Satisfying any time of day.