When the smoke clears and the ashes settle, you have probably puffed your way through a rather good cigar, but is it the richest you’ve ever tasted? Some of the best cigars in the world have the richest and most intense flavor. With varying flavors, prices and exotic origins, these cigars have some of the richest and most developed tastes you’ll find in the world.
The Montecristo No. 2
If you are a cigar aficionado, you have undoubtedly had one or two of the top-ranked tornado cigar known as the Montecristo No. 2. This rich smoke with a pointed tip is known all over the world and ranks as a top seller from Cuban cigar makers. The latest Monte cigars feature spicy cinnamon and nutmeg with a stately finish that is reminiscent of exotic wood notes. These cigars are best when aged, but they are also wonderful when smoked in their prime as well. If you have yet to try this world-renowned cigar, you are missing out on one of the purest Cuban smokes of this century.
Davidoff Nicaragua Toro
A Davidoff cigar is cultivated, refined and highly prized by those who love intense, locally grown smokes. Davidoff cigars have always been made in the Dominican Republic under the supervision of Hendrik Kelner, but recently, they moved a part of their operation to Nicaragua to captivate the latest audiences in love with the taste of Nicaraguan tobacco. The cigars use aged, locally grown filler, binder leaves and a light Connecticut-seed tobacco. The result is an exciting cigar that has an elegant yet balanced rich taste with hints of coffee and leather. It finishes strong and provides a very intense smoke.
Aging Room Quattro F55 Concerto
The Aging Room is a newcomer to the cigar market with their first Presto cigars sold in 2011. Today, the Dominican Republic cigar is an incredibly rich smoke with wrappers grown on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. This characteristic alone creates a delicious premium cigar. The wrapper leaves have been aged for decades. When combined, this sophisticated cigar offers a rich coffee bean taste mingled with the old notes of sweet cedar.
Cohiba Behike BHK 54
You only have to mention the name Behike to get a cigar lover’s attention. The Cohiba Behike BHK 54 follows on the heels of its highly ranked brother BHK 52, which was named Cigar of the Year in 2010 by “Cigar Aficionado.” The Cohiba BHK 54 is a cigar made with medio tiempo and Cuban-seed toboacco. Its fermented and combined with a special ingredient only known as the Behike blend. The resulting taste is richly defined, bold and leathery with earthy notes. The coffee finish is what really seals this cigar’s fate as one of the richest in the world.
Buenaventura BV560
While the brand is rather new, Buenaventure has been making a name for its cigars with its old-school, vintage look and elegant packaging that makes cigar lovers curious about what’s in the smoke. They are made from Nicaraguan puros and a mixture of tobacco from Jalapa, Condega and Esteli. The result is a full-bodied cigar with a creamy texture that’s really smooth on the tongue. There are also some surprising earth notes to its intense finish.
Cigar flavors have only grown more distinct and refined in modern times. While it used to be the best cigars were from Cuba, there are now a variety of different cigar makers hailing from Nicaragua, Europe and Indonesia. Finding the richest cigar for your palate in this day and age is an exciting adventure.