Frequently Asked Questions
Wine of the Month Club
Since 1994
When you decide to place a Wine Club order with us at Clubs of America, you are dealing with a company that has been providing this service since 1994 with over 3 million shipments. We are the most experienced company in the club business and we are committed to the highest quality products and service for our customers. You can check out Better Business Bureau reports by searching Clubs of America and you will see that we have earned an incredible reputation in the business. Your 100% satisfaction is everything to us and will stand behind everything we ship to you or your gift recipients.
White wines should be served cool to avoid a dull flavor. Red wine should be served warm to enhance the flavor. (If served cold, the scent and flavor is dull.) Your refrigerator temperature is around 35° F. We recommend white wine be served within the first 10 minutes out of the refrigerator. Red wine should be served much warmer (room temp. about 60-65° F.)
Wine should be stored on its side in a cool, dark place. The temperature should be constant all year round (preferable under 60° F and humidity over 75%. Opened bottles of wine will only keep up to a week in the refrigerator.
They will come from around the world from countries such as: Australia, Chile, Argentina, Portugal, New Zealand, United States and Italy. (Many come from very small award-winning wineries.)
Yes. You can request All Red or All White or Mixed club selections when you order. There is no extra charge for this.
No. All the wines are pre-selected for you. Each wine is carefully judged and approved by our tasting panel. You can reorder a list of past selections at discounted prices.
We deliver the wine through our network via common carriers. We prefer a daytime office address to ensure timely delivery. You must be 21 or older to receive a wine shipment. An adult signature over 21 is required. Delivery not available in some states and zip codes. You will be notified at checkout if we are unable to ship to your delivery address.
To prevent breakage we package the wine in special 100% recyclable pulp packaging.
We focus on selections that are produced in small quantities and are hard to find. Examples include: Nantucket’s Sauvignon Blanc from the U.S., Maletti Lambrusco di Sorbara from Italy, Agulhas Bank Chardonnay from South Africa, River Falls Cabernet Sauvignon from Chile, First Run Shiraz from Australia and Casal Mendes Vinho Verde from Portugal.
Each month you will receive 3 different bottles of hand-crafted, hard-to-find wine from around the world. Also you will receive our club newsletter “Wine Expeditions.” You will receive your shipment by the 3rd or 4th week of each month.